And here we are, again… Back on the grind for most of us. For those of you reading this who are just getting a crack at your first season on tour, welcome to the big leagues! By now, you have hopefully seen the 2019 NXL Las Vegas Open layout and I think the NXL brass were happy with the way the season ended up last year with a smash em crash em sort of environment. The 2019 NXL Las Vegas Open is gonna be another fun one, expecially up the center! What I am also excited to see is how many people actually crawl through the snake side tunnel. I did it the first day of practice and feasted on the center brick and two dorito guys. Suffice it to say, there are several wild things about this field. The dorito side, however, is pretty straight forward. The brick seems to be the only real, viable way to stop or slow that side down. The Tower and the tape line heads up aren’t that great to really stop movement over there. Plus, making it out that way should be pretty easy because the back center doesn’t have a ton of shots over the brick, its all blind off the break. For those of you reading this who do not play in the NXL events, you may play in a regional circuit, preparing yourselves for the big leagues, so I hope what you find here helps you to better your game planning. Today, we must focus on getting familiar with the 2019 NXL Las Vegas Open layout and focus our efforts on efficient practices that hopefully lead to an event win for some of us. As a small disclaimer; I do want ALL OF YOU reading this to win, but in reality only a handful of you will actually be able to win, its just a statistical near-impossibility for everyone reading this to win. I hope you understand. As we know, preparation is key, and it is a crucial element in your team’s, as well as your own, personal success. Be prepared to fight against your opponents by taking every necessary step. Taking these steps goes far beyond just the hours on the practice field. As some of the teams who I coach would agree, game planning is one of their major keys to success. With that said, our fearless leader and coach extraordinaire, Rusty Glaze has made some adjustments to the normal field layout map that should be a staple in everyone’s field planning. I would recommend following his lead, as it has paid serious dividends to Dynasty and to other local teams that we coach!
The BKI Team have also added a virtual walkthrough that is FREE for everyone to enjoy. This is just a preliminary walkthrough and the real in depth breakdown will come the week before the event, exclusively for members only! So check out the LINK above then sign up for BKI PAINTBALL to get access to over 500 pieces of unique paintball and fitness drills along with
The gridded field map is great for setting up the layout at your local field. However, it is not the best when it comes to game planning. As a result, I am sharing with you, how coach Rusty Glaze lays out Dynasty’s field maps. The gridded field plans can make game plans cluttered and all the lines can cause confusion. Therefore, these maps have been cleaned up to allow you to create a clearer, more efficient game plan. We generally print out about 10 maps for each member of the team. A couple for each guy to come up with their own game plan and then a few extras for scouting reports of other teams and when the guys “misplace” them here and there. We also keep a large cache of the maps ready to keep track of wins and losses throughout our practice weekends.
“It may seem nonchalant and trivial to get rid of all the lines, but as I always say when I am teaching my clinics, we are trying to be as effective and efficient on the field as possible. With that, there goes the saying, ‘Trim the fat.’ “
The idea behind cleaning up the maps is to get a concise plan that is easy to view (See image to the left for a “worst case scenario” of what a spider web of confusion may look like). As many players know, there is enough to worry about in the pits, during and before games. It may seem nonchalant and trivial to get rid of all the lines, but as I always say when I am teaching my clinics, we are trying to be as effective and efficient on the field as possible. With that, there goes the saying, “Trim the fat.” Anyone who has taken a clinic with me has more than likely heard me use that phrase. Think of the clutter on the map as fat, where any little bit to make you more efficient will help you become a better weapon on the field.
So, please enjoy and use either or both of these field layouts with your team and GOOD LUCK!!
The post 2019 NXL Las Vegas Open Layout – Field Map Download appeared first on Ryan Greenspan.